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Age Requirements

Children attending this program must be 4 years old by September 1st

Schedules Classes:

Morning class 1/2 Day; five days a week 

Class Time:



$200 per month 


PreKindergarten Morning Program Curriculum

Social/Emotional Development and Approaches to Learning

  • Standard 1: Self Concept and Self Confidence

  • Standard 2: Regulating Emotions

  • Standard 3: Respect and Appreciation of Similarities and Differences

  • Standard 4: Pro-Social Behaviors and Cooperation


Language and Literacy

  • Standard 1: Reading-Children use skills and strategies to get meaning from print

  • Standard 2: Writing-Children use writing and drawing as a means of communication

  • Standard 3: Listening and Phonological Awareness

  • Standard 4: Speaking and Communicating; Oral Language Development

  • Standard 5: Learning New Languages



  • Standard 1: Number Sense and Operations

  • Standard 2: Shapes/Geometry

  • Standard 3: Measurement

  • Standard 4: Making Sense of Data

  • Standard 5: Patterns/Algebra


Sample PreKindergarten Daily Schedule

8:15 am-8:30 am

Students can start to arrive. Students can choose an activity to work on as the other students arrive for the day. The teachers will move around the room to facilitate play, assist in problem solving and expand learning opportunities.

8:30 am-9:00 am

Large group/Carpet time/Gathering/Prayer/Calendar/


9:00 am-9:30 am

Academic Block Language Arts/Handwriting. This block will be a combination of large group, small group, and individualized instruction. A developmentally appropriate range of seated and active learning activities will focus on Kindergarten readiness skills.

9:30 am-9:45 am


9:45 am-10:10 am

Academic Block Social/Emotional Development is a key component of children’s overall growth. This block of time will be a combination of small group, large group, and individualized instruction. Educational and developmental research, including brain research has shown us that the early years in children’s lives are critical to their social/emotional development. These early years form the foundation that will be the basis of all the future growth.

10:10 am-10:20 am

Wash hands/Pray/Snack

10:20 am-10:45 am

Academic Block Math. This block of time will be a combination of small group, large group, and individualized instruction. A developmentally appropriate range of seated and active learning activities will focus on Kindergarten readiness skills.

10:45 am-11:00 am

Physical Education

11:00am-11:20 am

Learning Centers open in the second classroom (sensory play, dramatic play, manipulative, blocks, and art activities)

11:20 am


11:25 am

Line up/pick-up mail/time to go home

11:30 am



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Afternoon Enrichment  

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Afternoon Enrichment

The Enrichment Curriculum is developed in accordance with the South Dakota Early Learning Guidelines and the South Dakota State Standards focused on the following areas STEM: (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), Social Studies, Health and Physical Development, Creative Arts. 


Age Requirements

Children attending this program must be 4 years old by September 1st 

Schedules Classes:

Afternoon class 1/2 Day; five days a week 

Class Time:



$175 per month 




Afternoon Enrichment Program

Just because the Junior Kindergarten program is over doesn't mean that the children have to stop learning. Immaculate Conception School offers an Enrichment Program that continues to motivate and inspire 4 and 5 year old students in the afternoon.



  • Science Inquiry

  • Physical Science

  • Life Science

  • Earth and Space Stations

  • Science and Technology

  • Science, Environment, and Society


Health and Physical Development

  • Health and Safety

  • Gross Motor

  • Fine Motor


Creative Arts

  • Visual Arts

  • Music

  • Creative Movement

  • Dramatic Play


Social Studies

  • Families/Cultures

  • Community/Civics

  • History/Time

  • Geography/Places/People/Environment

  • Economics


Sample Enrichment Daily Schedule

11:30 am-11:50 am Noon recess

11:50 am-12:00 pm Prepare for lunch/Use the bathroom/Wash hands/

Pick up lunch bags

12:00 pm-12:30 pm Pray/Eat lunch/Put away lunch bags

12:30 pm-1:00 pm Quiet learning time stations available; puzzles, picture books

1:00 pm-1:30 pm Teacher read aloud/Follow-up activity about the story

1:30 pm-2:00 pm Enrichment STEM block; rotate Social Studies and Science

2:00 pm-2:30 pm Enrichment STEM block; rotate Health and Physical Development

2:30 pm-2:45 pm Afternoon snacks

2:45 pm-3:00 pm Enrichment STEM block; rotating creative arts

3:00 pm-3:15 pm Enrichment STEM block; rotate Bible stories and Children's books

3:15 pm-3:25 pm Line up/pick-up mail/time to go home

3:25 pm-3:30 pm Dismissal




Child Care Program


Morning Child Care

7:30am - 8:15am (We need a minimum of 6 students enrolled in order to host the program.)

After School Child Care

3:30pm - 6:00pm 


$3 per Hour

South Dakota Licensed Child Care Program

South Dakota Guidelines/South Dakota Standards for Curriculum Development


Download Registration for Child Care





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